LOKERINONE.COM - Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terupdate di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara - November 2024.

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Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT. Sumatera Kartindo.

Didirikan pada tahun 1990, PT. Sumatera Kartindo telah menjadi salah satu pemain industri rubber compounding yang cukup dikenal di Indonesia.

Sejak berdiri hingga sekarang PT. Sumatera Kartindo telah memproduksi karet vulkanisir yang berkualitas premium, yang cocok untuk industri vulkanisir ban dengan metode panas ataupun dingin.

Kami juga menyediakan produk pelengkap untuk industri vulkanisir ban seperti Cushion Gum, mesin vulkanisir, perkakas serta aksesorisnya.

Agar kualitas menjadi fokus utama operasional, PT. Sumatera Kartindo menggunakan laboratorium dengan teknologi terbaru untuk melakukan Quality Control.

Saat ini, PT. Sumatera Kartindo membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara untuk posisi berikut ini:


Minimum education D3 in the field of Occupational Health Safety and have more than 1 year experience in Occupational Health Safety field
Have a General Occupational Health Safety expert certificate and RPK certificate from the relevant agency.
Know the basics of Forest Fire Control and master how to operate all the extinguishers used.
Know the basics of Occupational Health & Safety (K3) & Environment
Willing be placed in Medan Sunggal

Job Descriptions:
Conducting K3 inspections to all work locations in the district, making findings of abnormalities and conveying the findings to the relevant section
Conducting safe action efforts such as counseling employees and contractors regarding K3, making brochures/leaflets or banners regarding K3, K3 training for employees and contractors and conducting Initial Inspections for Contractors, and conducting safety induction
Conducting safe condition efforts such as identifying sources of danger, making HIRA, making safety signs, traffic signs, measuring sources of danger and making danger symbols, making and determining evacuation locations, checking sanitation and environmental conditions, conducting fumigation/fogging, spreading abate, inventorying first aid kit needs and holding/submitting the purchase of first aid kits
Carrying out Installation and Maintenance of Light Fire Extinguisher Equipment (APAR)
Carrying out safe equipment efforts such as inventorying PPE needs for employees and contractors, submitting, purchasing, and distributing and controlling the use of PPE
Conducting K3 raids on the use of PPE, conducting raids on unsafe wood transportation. 
Make work accident reports in accordance with the SOP for Handling Work Accidents and Reporting Work Accidents, environmental sanitation inspection reports, traffic and safety sign installation activity reports, accident frequency rate reports, accident severity rate reports, make reports on distribution, use and control of PPE

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