Zeals Sport Wear is the passion and enthusiasm in pursuing improvements and better things in every aspects of life.
We believe that zeal is one of the essential elements that determine the success in everything we do.
We exist to create equipment that helps people to maximize their fitness performances and to achieve their fitness goals.
Our effective performance wear fits well with every individual, regardless of who you are. Nothing is impossible when we have zeal within us.
We help others to achieve their dreams by giving the best we got.
Give your best shot and strike to the top.
When the time comes, inspire others just like how you were inspired.
Saat ini, Zeals Sport Wear membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan dengan posisi berikut ini:
Jika anda berminat untuk memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, segera kirim langsung lamaran lengkap, CV, Fotocopy Ijasah Terakhir / Transkip Nilai, Pasphoto terbaru dan dokumen yang diperlukan hanya melalui email:
fandhyyelte@gmail.com dengan subjek: posisi yang dilamar atau antar langsung lamaran lengkap anda ke:
Zeals Sport Wear
Jl. Gagak Hitam No. 10 F, Medan
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