PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang penyedia jasa telekomunikasi internasional yang berkantor pusat di Jakarta, Indonesia.

Berbekal dari sebuah pola pikir global, kapabilitas teknis yang selalu mengedepankan kepentingan dan kepuasan pelanggan, Telin telah membuktikan kemampuannya untuk mendukung pelanggan korporat dalam meraih tujuan mereka di era globalisasi yang pesat.

Saat ini, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan dengan posisi berikut ini:


Implementing standard and performing system of platform-based network & service performance DC. Also supporting all data needed to support platform-based service performance and supporting a regular review.

Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Implementing standards (benchmarks) of platform-based Network and service performance & DC (DC, Voice, SMS, MVNE, IPX) based on industry benchmarks & internal capabilities.
Performing a platform-based service performance monitoring system with accountable data sources.
Supporting all data needed to support platform-based service performance and provide recommendations for continuous improvement to related units.
Supporting a regular review of performance achievements and assist related units in terms of platform performance data requirements

Preferably Master in Electrical & Information Engineering or similar Major with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6. Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021. 


Supporting platform deployments, design, specifications, configurations and propose CAPEX budgeting. Also evaluating the existing platform and the effectiveness of investment performance on technology and infrastructure.

Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Monitoring the existing platform (voice & signalling, digital platform), update the latest technology and do forecasting future needs for further development.
Supporting Capex related to development of platform (voice & signalling, digital platform).
Implementing justification & feasibility study of platform infrastructure development (capacity/capability upgrade, new technology/location, replacement of existing infrastructure) for getting BoD approval.
Providing technical specification, scope of work, bill of quantity, and configuration for reference during procurement process.
Maintaining the effectiveness of investment on platform (voice & signalling, digital platform).

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology / Telecommunication, Master degree in Management with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6.
Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021.


Implementing & supporting strategies, policies and plans related to infrastructure, supporting CAPEX proposals, providing the Infra & Infostructure Master Plan and providing CAPEX TELIN Group.

Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Implementing & supporting strategies, policies and plans for the development and / or enhancement of technology infrastructure based on the Main Portfolio and Business Plan.
Collecting CAPEX proposals from all units and proposes approval to BoD.
Providing the Infra & Infostructure Master Plan.
Providing CAPEX TELIN Group.

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology / Telecommunication, Master degree in Financial Business Management with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6.
Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021. 


Performing activity related to digital operation, including 24/7 surveillance of networks and platforms, performing Real Time Fault Handling and Preventive Maintenance (PM) order activation, providing Fault Handling and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Performance reporting documents.

Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Applying 24/7 surveillance of networks and platforms for digital services.
Providing on the capabilities of Real Time Fault Handling (RTFH) and Preventive Maintenance (PM) order activation related to digital services 24/7.
Applying the implementation of operations in accordance with ISO standards to achieve availability of digital service platform through routine maintenance.
Supporting a Fault Handling and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Performance Report performed during the shift.

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or Infromation Technology. Preferably Master in Business Management. with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6.
Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021.


Performing activity related to connectivity operation including deliverable Mean Time to Response (MTT) building capabilities of Real Time Fault Handling (RTFH), providing Report Handling and Root Cause Analys (RCA) Performance documents and activation of orders, creating Fault Handling and RCA performance and Evaluate status of all ordering.

Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Performing to surveillance 24/7 on network and platform for connectivity services (IP Transit, IPLC/EPL, IPVP, IPVPN), including: network IP and network transport.
Supporting capability of Real Time Fault Handling (RTFH) and activation order by PM 24/7 connectivity services.
Applying the implementation of operations in accordance with ISO standards to achieve availability platform service connectivity through routine maintenance.
Providing a Fault Handling and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Performance Report performed every ticket during the shift.
Collecting status of all ordering and ticketing activity and response to customer.
Collecting all order/ticketing activity and update to customer interface.
Applying Operation & Maintenance submarine cable cost / invoice

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology/ Telecommunication, Master degree in Management with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6.
Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021. 


Supporting in carrying out legal consultations and advice related to lagal issues on subsidiaries and affiliates.

Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Support in carrying out legal consultations and provide legal advice in managing corporate actions, decision-making / policy-making and settlement of legal issues relating to subsidiaries and affiliates.
Acting as a team member by organizing legal support for the Company's and Subsidiaries' inorganic activities and governance of Subsidiaries, in accordance with internal and external regulations applicable to the Company and its Subsidiaries.
Utilizing all data and document of subsidiaries financing and governance in developing cooperation agreements related to inorganic transactions in Telin Group.
Supporting in managing all corporate documents related to the function of Subsidaries and the Investment Legal of Telin Headquarter.

Preferably Master's degree in Law with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6.
Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021. 


Supporting analysis & evaluating product/service and platform in retail enterprise portfolio, along with improving performance, maintaining profitability, and market share of product/service and platform in retail enterprise portfolio being managed.

Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Performing strategy and policy of product/service and platform management in relation to Retail Enterprise Portfolio at Telin Group.
Supporting revamp, redesign, and product/service integration of platform for Retail Enterprise Portfolio.
Providing availability of product catalogue, price, and commercial offer proposal of each product/service for Retail Enterprise Portfolio segments.
Supporting analysis and preparation of profitability analysis of Retail Enterprise Portfolio product/service.
Performing the product lifecycle (product lifecycle) of Retail Enterprise Portfolio focusing on retail enterprise segments from release to retirement.

Bachelor’s Degree in any Major, preferably from ICT Business/ Business Administration/ Strategy Management. with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6.
Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021.


Supporting management to review Financial Institution related to corporate agreement and develop Debt Structure.

Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Provide Debt & Capital Management to achieve optimal capital structure of Telin Group.
Providing corporation agreement with the banking or financial institution partners for funding Telin Group.
Providing corporation agreement with the shareholder for funding Telin Group.
Developing optimal capitalization of Telin Group's capital structure.
Providing realization of funding at the time of withdrawal and realization of payment to financial institution or shareholder or to a subsidiary.

Bachelor's degree in Finance or Accounting with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6.
Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021. 


Performing budget analysis refer to Company's plan, as support control of performance and providing improvement.

Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Exercising profitability analysis on budget in accordance with company plan in order to reach the organization target.
Supporting Company performance control and evaluation.
Supporting corporate performance improvement recommendation based on performance gap analytic and evaluation.

Bachelor’s degree in Finance or Accounting with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6. Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021.


Supporting all accounting activities including Exercising performance metrics concept.

Achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/ her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
Applying performance metrics concept of Account Manager, support team, reward and punishment that support the achievement of company's business objectives.
Applying performance assessment data of Telin Account Manager from result side, customer view, and sociometry.
Exercising account management system and digital sales funnel management in Telin Group environment.
Supporting Validation for the amount of sales incentive that will be received by the Account Manager.

Preferably Bachelor Degree of Business Management with min. GPA 3.00.
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6. Application will not be processed after March 19th, 2021.


In-charge on legal procurement consultation and advice, day to day legal drafting, legal reviewing, including preparing finalization on goods and services contract and ensure the contract are complied with Telin Procurement Policy and current laws and regulations. 

1. Ensuring achievement of Individual Performance Target (SKI) aligned with job description, formulating working program and its indicators, understanding his/her role, collecting data and information, scheduling and prioritizing activities, implementing Unit’s Program, reporting work result to Supervisor periodically.
2. Supporting in carry out legal consultations and provide legal advice, policy decisions and legal issues related to the procurement of goods and services in the Company and provide consultations on legal settlement of procurement of goods and services in Subsidiaries and affiliates.
3. Providing support in verifying the compliance and obedience with External and Internal Rules and Business Ethics related to procurement process in Telin HQ.
4. Utilizing all the data and documents related to procurement of goods and services in developing the engagement documents with vendors designated as executors of the Works.
5. Supporting in manage all documents process related to the procurement of goods and services in Telin HQ.  

- Bachelor's degree in Law with min. GPA 3.00.
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 27 years old.
- Experienced workers are welcome to apply with a max. Age of 30 years old.
- Fluent in English, both written and verbal with minimum TOEFL Score 500 or IELTS Score 6.
- Application will not be processed after March 19, 2021.

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