Kinderland’s curriculum integrates the best education approaches and methodologies from the West and the values of morality and inter-personal relationships of the East. This is achieved through a team of in-house expertise in curriculum research and development, continuous teachers’ training and strong affiliations with renowned preschools and institutions of higher learning in different countries.
The music-infused curriculum enhances language literacy in young children. Use of keyboard, percussion instruments, solfege singing and rhythm training provide crucial support for brain development in the child’s early years. This proven approach also enhances children’s confidence. This programme is facilitated by professional music teachers with internationally-recognised qualifications. Whilst enjoying their childhood, Kinderland’s children are well prepared for formal schooling and equipped to be life-long learners and global citizens with a heart.
With over 40 years as an Early Childhood provider, Kinderland’s success in nurturing confident children has led to an extensive regional preschool network of over 55 centres – present in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, Cambodia and Vietnam.
Vision: To be a regional leader in early childhood education
Mission: To provide excellent and quality educational programmes and services
Management by Objective,
Continuous Learning,
Care and Concern,
Saat ini, Kinderland Educare membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara dengan posisi berikut ini:
👇👇👇 Baca Juga 👇👇👇
- Sekolah Nanyang Zhi Hui
- ALIF (Al-Quran Learning and Islamic Foundation) IQRA
- PT Socfin Indonesia (Socfindo)
- PT Inti Indosawit Subur (Asian Agri)
- PT. Asia Sawit Makmur Jaya
- PT Sigma Cipta Caraka (Telkomsigma)
- Bumi Treats
- Bakso Masa Sekolah
- Hyper Billiard & Café
- Fritto Group
- Awi Coffee Shop (Toko Segar Harum)
- PT. Srikandi Inti Lestari
- PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel)
- Yayasan Berlian Hati Mulia
- PT Bank Mandiri (Persero)
- ST Jewellery
- Ingoude Company
- Accelerated English Centre (ACE)
- PT Lentera Cahaya Edukasi (LCE) Learning
- International Education Centre Inc. (IEC)
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