DENYA GROUP based in Medan, North of Sumatra is most innovative and efficient manufacturers of PVC and HDPE pipes. We are proud to introduce ourselves as one of the reliable & reputed business organization, with tons of industrial experience.

Being operative in this field since 2003, we have carved a niche by ensuring that we always upgrade our range of product in terms of competent technology. We’ve always emphasized on the quality and the performance of our industrial highlight which is primary feature of our organization.

Furthermore, we not only offer the widest and most comprehensive range of plastic products in Indonesia, but is also a market leader in the field of PVC Pipes & Fittings and has established its reputation for product excellence and quality standards.

We has latest machinery with professional skills* . Using leveraging high end technology providing our high quality products range to withstand diverse environments. In fact, proven that generally our ex-worker or ex-staff will be the star player in other company. (Proudly shout out by our management system)*.

Saat ini,  Denya - uPVC, PPR & Hdpe pipe (pipa hdpe) membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan dengan posisi berikut ini:

1. Admin Kantor
2. Teknisi Listrik
3. Quality Control
4. Programmer

Pria atau Wanita
Berpenampilan menarik
Lulusan SMA/SMK/D3/S1
Berpengalaman di laboratorium kimia 
Mampu menganalisa dan meneliti sesuai standart produksi
Mampu bekerja dengan tim
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (1,4)
Mampu menguasai pemrograman PHP, Javascript, My SQL (4)
Berpengalaman di bidang kelistrikan (2)
Berpengalaman min. 1 tahun

Jika anda berminat untuk memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, segera kirim langsung lamaran lengkap & CV anda hanya melalui email: dengan subjek: Posisi yang dilamar atau antar langsung ke:
Denya - uPVC, PPR & Hdpe pipe (pipa hdpe)
Jl. Batang Kuis km. 3,8
Pasar V Desa Telaga Sari, T. Morawa

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