MB Apartments offer clean, quality and comfortable monthly rental accommodation ideal for executives on short-term placements,  new arrivals to Medan looking for a temporary short term housing solution, or students and residents of Medan interested in longer term monthly payment flexibility.

Located only 15 minutes drive from Medan’s Polonia airport, MB Apartments are housed within a spacious security compound with vast internal parking and lush gardens.

MB Apartments currently offer 52 furnished rental units in a two level 2,361m2 building within an 8,237m2 property.

Saat ini, MB Apartments membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara untuk posisi berikut ini:

Jika anda berminat untuk memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, segera antar langsung lamaran lengkap, CV, Fotocopy Ijasah Terakhir / Transkip Nilai, Pasphoto terbaru dan dokumen yang diperlukan ke:
MB Apartments
Jl. Pembangunan No. 110, Dr. Mansyur USU, Medan

LINK OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEDIA & GROUP: https://linktr.ee/lokershareinone
DONASI: https://saweria.co/lokershareinone


Baca Berita Terupdate berikut ini:

Warning: Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan karena sejatinya pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan itu gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun. Pastikan lowongan pekerjaan di situs resminya atau pun social medianya yang valid.

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