Some of them are busy pinning some printed images on corkboards, while the other some are start typing unusual word like “<!doctype html>”, and the others are checking mailbox from awesome believer or yeah, let’s just call her ‘Isabella’ that always moves her stylus pen above digitizer to create another awesome sequel.
Job Desc:
Buat yang jago Jualan dan seneng dengan penjualan.
Bersemangat ketika chating dengan calon customer dan closing penjualan.
Berati kamu cocok di tim kami.
– Jujur, Amanah, Disiplin, Ramah, Interaktif
– Usia Maksimal 25 Tahun
– Minimal SMA/SMK Atau Sederajat
– Pengalaman Minimal 1 Tahun Lebih Diutamakan (Fresh Graduated Diperbolehkan Melamar)
– Mahir Sosmed (WA, FB, IG, Email)
– Punya Laptop Sendiri (Bukan Notebook)
– Bisa Ketik Dengan Sepuluh Jari Lebih Diutamakan
– Terbiasa Berkomunikasi Dengan Bahasa Indonesia Dengan Baik dan Benar
– Menyukai Tantangan, Siap Diberikan Target Penjualan dan Seru-Seruan
– Gaji Pokok + Bonus Penjualan
Job Desc:
Our Chief Everything Officer sometime agonise over the subtle differences between two adjectives, deliberating over which to use.
So, to wipe away his agonise, we decide to find a person with ‘glass half full’ personality type with following job scope.
– Interview clients and other sources for information in order to generate strategies, concepts and copy
– Conduct primary and secondary research in order to fully understand a client’s business
– Proofread and edit copy
– Work collaboratively in a team environment to ensure brand consistency across client initiatives
– Adhere to timelines and manage priorities to meet milestones and deadlines
– Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree (S1) in Advertising/Media, Linguistics/Languages, Mass Communications or equivalent.
– No work experience required.
– Preferably Less than 1 year experience specialized in Advertising/Media Planning or equivalent.
Please send your CV only by email: Subject: Position_Name.
0 Saran & Kritik
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