PT. Ebunga Sukses Makmur berdiri bulan September tahun 2018. Berkedudukan di Komplek Cemara Asri blok C4 no.10, Deli Serdang.

PT. Ebunga Sukses Makmur was established in September 2018. Based in Cemara Asri Complex, Block C4 no.10, Deli Serdang.

EBUNGA is an e-commerce platform that sells flower bouquets, flower boards, parcels and other souvenirs by order, that we will deliver it on date as request by the buyer.

We are here to support suppliers / sellers who want to market, sell products online due to the lack of existing media and do not have good infrastructure.

EBUNGA is an e-commerce platform that sells flower bouquets, flower boards, parcels and other souvenirs. We are here to support suppliers / sellers who want to market, sell products online due to the lack of existing media and do not have good infrastructure. Benefits not only enjoyed by suppliers / sellers, buyers / buyers who buy goods or services through EBUNGA will also get some benefit from ecash program, cashback and so on.

EBUNGA We take pride in glorious gift.

Saat ini, PT Ebunga Sukses Makmur membuka lowongan kerja terbaru di kota Medan dengan posisi berikut ini:

Kami perusahaan yg sedang berkembang membutuhkan General Manager untuk di tempatkan di Medan.

- Umur 27 - 40 thn
- S 1
- Full time
- Menguasai Komputer
- Tidak sedang Kuliah

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