Within Architects have been through a lot of different phase before its inception today.
It started as an idea by our creator who seek importance of design with the build environment as well as the implementation of design which was lacking in quality.
It started as OWA and then subsequently OWATJHIN which aimed to do design and build in a single ecosystem , however the idea evolve beyond our idealism and hence currently stand-alone as a design firm with its build counterparts operating separately as OWA Build & Furniture which serve a premium market of private house builder and interior builder.
Lowongan Kerja PT. Wira Tiara Nusantara - Within Architrecs, posisi:
(1) Project Supervisor /QC
Segera kirimkan lamaran anda via email dengan mencantumkan kode posisi, posisi yang dilamar dan nama subjek email.
👇👇👇 Baca Juga 👇👇👇
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- PT Bimasakti Mahawira (Wiraland)
- PT. Supra Uniland Plaza
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0 Saran & Kritik
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