PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk atau yang dikenal dengan Alfamart berdiri pada tahun 1999 yang didirikan oleh Bapak Djoko Susanto dan keluarga.

Perusahaan ini bergerak dibidang ritel. Kantor pusat Alfamart berada di Tangerang dan memiliki 32 kantor cabang di seluruh Indonesia.

Selain itu Alfamart juga telah melakukan ekspansi ke Filipina dan memiliki kantor cabang di sana. Alfamart merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang memiliki jumlah karyawan terbanyak dengan jumlah sekitar 120.000 karyawan yang tersebar diseluruh Indonesia.

Demi mendukung kemajuan perusahaan, kami membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang potensial, mau belajar, inovatif dan profesional untuk mengisi beberapa posisi yang saat ini kami butuhkan.

Saat ini, PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk (Alfamart) membuka lowongan kerja di Hamparan Perak, Sumatera Utara dengan posisi berikut ini:

1. Management Trainee Marketing
This is an accelerated development program in our Marketing Division. This program provides an immersive experience in various aspects of marketing, including brand management, digital marketing, promotional campaigns, and customer engagement. You will gain the skills and knowledge needed to drive Alfamart’s marketing initiatives and play a key role in our brand’s growth.

Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, Communications
Minimum GPA 3.20
Fresh graduates or up to 2 years of experience are welcome to apply
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Excellent leadership, interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in english both spoken and written
Willing to be placed all over Alfamart Business Unit (Including overseas)

2. Management Trainee MD Category
This is a career acceleration initiative for managerial roles within our Merchandising Division. This program provides comprehensive training and hands-on experience in category management, product selection, pricing strategies, and supplier relationships, equipping you with the skills to drive product performance and optimize Alfamart’s product offerings.

Bachelor’s degree from Any Major
Minimum GPA 3.20
Fresh graduates or up to 2 years of experience are welcome to apply
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Excellent leadership, interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in english both spoken and written
Willing to be placed all over Alfamart Business Unit (Including overseas)

3. Management Trainee Logistic
This is an accelerated career development program designed for high-potential individuals who are eager to grow into managerial roles within our Logistics Division. This program offers a comprehensive learning experience through OJT, hands-on projects, and mentorship from top leaders, preparing you to become a key player in optimizing our logistics operations.

Bachelor’s degree in Logistics or Industrial Engineering
Minimum GPA 3.20
Fresh graduates or up to 2 years of experience are welcome to apply
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Excellent leadership, interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in english both spoken and written
Willing to be placed all over Alfamart Business Unit (Including overseas)

4. Management Trainee Building
This is an intensive career development initiative for managerial roles within our Property and Development Division. This program provides exposure to all aspects of building management, from site selection and construction to maintenance and facilities operations, preparing you for a leadership role in managing Alfamart’s retail spaces and facilities.

Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering
Minimum GPA 3.20
Fresh graduates or up to 2 years of experience are welcome to apply
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Excellent leadership, interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in english both spoken and written
Willing to be placed all over Alfamart Business Unit (Including overseas)
5. Management Trainee Location

This is an intensive development program designed to prepare individuals for managerial roles within our Location Department. This program offers comprehensive exposure to various aspects of location and site development, including site selection, market analysis, and store layout planning, equipping you with the skills necessary to drive Alfamart’s expansion and retail presence.

Bachelor’s degree from Any Major
Minimum GPA 3.20
Fresh graduates or up to 2 years of experience are welcome to apply
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Excellent leadership, interpersonal and communication skills
Fluent in english both spoken and written
Willing to be placed all over Alfamart Business Unit (Including overseas)

Jika anda berminat untuk memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, Silahkan DAFTAR ONLINE



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Warning: Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan karena sejatinya pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan itu gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun. Pastikan lowongan pekerjaan di situs resminya atau pun social medianya yang valid.

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