PT Kaldu Sari Nabati Indonesia merupakan unit bisnis rintisan awal dari Nabati Group. Perusahaan bergerak di industri makanan dan minuman ringan.

Sejumlah merek produk kami yang telah banyak dikenal konsumen, antara lain Richeese dan Richoco. Produk-produk tersebut merupakan hasil perpaduan antara bahan baku pilihan dengan proses produksi yang modern sehingga menghasilkan produk berkualitas dan bergizi.

Proses produksi yang kami lakukan juga telah memenuhi standar ISO dan GMP. Berbagai keunggulan itu pula yang mengantarkan produk KSNI menjadi pilihan utama konsumen. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan diraihnya sejumlah penghargaan, seperti Best Brand Award, MURI, dan Top Brand Award.

Saat ini, PT Kaldu Sari Nabati Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara untuk posisi berikut ini:

Nabati ELP (Executive Leadership Program)
Nabati ELP is a compact and holistic leadership program to create future leaders within Global Organization of Nabati that focus on value creation process, equipped with advanced skills/knowledge & fit in Nabati Way Culture.

The Nabati ELP program is intended to get beyond leaders selection and prepare high potentials for their top management role. Beside the goals, you will have experiences journey on Bandung, Indonesia. With study and experience program, you often to get disruptive thinking of business FMCG process.

Curriculum focuses on business acumen, strategic and analytical skills and includes a heavy dose of assessments such as the High Potential profile and Business Reasoning Inventory with Human Asset Value (HAV) Box to ensure that aspiring leaders have what it takes to succeed as a leader at Nabati Global Business. During the program, you will have contextual experiences through sales and marketing process for Nabati brand.

Available Function:

1. Sales

Minimal 5 Years Job Experience
Experience In Related Field (Marketing / Operation / Sales)
Fluent in English
Proficiency in other languages would be advantageous (e.g., Tagalog, Mandarin, Khmer, Hindi, Arabic)
Willing To Be Stationed or Assigned To The Business Country

2. Marketing

Minimal 2-3 Years Job Experience
Experience In Related Field (Marketing / Business Development)
Fluent in English
Proficiency in other languages would be advantageous (e.g., Mandarin)
Willing To Be Stationed or Assigned To The Business Country

If you are interested in meeting the qualifications above, Please APPLY NOW



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Warning: Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan karena sejatinya pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan itu gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun. Pastikan lowongan pekerjaan di situs resminya atau pun social medianya yang valid.

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